
CIRA, the central registry for .CA has a Canadian Presence Requirement for registrants. Registrants will be asked to complete their .CA registrant settings including selecting a "Registrant Whois Type."If you select a non-individual registrant type, which is any EXCEPT Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada, Aboriginal Peoples (individuals or groups) indigenous to Canada, Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, then your default administrative contact must use a different contact record.If your Whois Type is "Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory)," the contact record name must be the full legal name of the corporation and must be followed by the jurisdiction of incorporation (i.e. Canada, Ontario, NWT, …), unless it is obvious from the corporation’s name.For more information, please see CIRA's Canadian Presence Requirements for Registrants.
Registrants of .CA domains must meet certain Canadian presence requirements. Only the following individuals and entities will be able to register a .CA domain name: Canadian citizens of the age of majority Permanent residents Legal representatives Corporations under the laws of Canada Trusts under the laws of Canada Partnerships where more than 66.6% of partners meet the above requirements Associations where at least than 80% of members meet the above requirements The trade unions recognized by the labour board under laws of Canada Political parties registered under relevant electoral law of Canada Education institutions including universities, colleges, post-secondary schools, vocational schools, secondary schools, pre-schools, or other educational institutions that are recognized by the educational authorities of Canada Libraries, Archives, or Museums that are located in Canada and not established for profit Hospitals located in Canada and licensed, authorized, or approved to operate as such under an act of legislature of Canada His Majesty the King and his successor Indian band as defined in the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-5 Aboriginal peoples indigenous to Canada Government Trade-marks registered in Canada Official marks .CA registrants will be asked to complete their registrant settings upon checkout and agree to CIRA's (the .CA central registry) agreement. You can also access your .CA registrant settings inside your Dynadot account.
Registrants of .CA domains must meet certain Canadian presence requirements. Registrants will be asked to complete their registrant settings upon checkout and agree to CIRA's (the .CA central registry) agreement. You can also set or change these settings from within your Dynadot account. To set up your .CA registrant settings, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "TLD Settings" from the "My Domains" drop-down menu. Click on the "CA Settings". Select your "Whois Type" from the drop-down menu. Choose the "CIRA Language" from the drop-down menu. Read the CIRA Agreement, then check the box next to "I Accept the CIRA Agreement". Click on the "Submit" button to save your changes.