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Ftp problems 2
12/9/2007 16:44
I just transfered files using ftp. Everything went great.
But when I try to change the file attribute  (600 to 777) this is the message that appears:

STATUS:>        [09/12/2007 7:42:14 PM] Changing file attributes "index.html".
COMMAND:>       [09/12/2007 7:42:14 PM] SITE CHMOD 777 /index.html
               [09/12/2007 7:42:14 PM] 530 Access denied
ERROR:>         [09/12/2007 7:42:14 PM] Not logged in.

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12/12/2007 18:22
It appears that osCommmerce uses a PHP scripting and our web hosting is for static html sites only.
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12/12/2007 00:13
The reason why i wanted to make this work, is because I'm trying to install OScommerce.
Can you help me?Do you support OScommerce?

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12/9/2007 21:03
I don't think our ftp server supports the "SITE CHMOD" command.

[This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Dec 9, 2007 9:06pm.]
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