ok i find this strange i have set my name servers and i have checked and they are working now when i type in my site url it starts to load then it opens up this sites hope page im puzzled can anyone help please ?
It may take some time for new name server settings to propagate. Also, you may have the old name server settings cached on your computer or your ISP (Internet Service Provider) may have them cached. Suggestions on how to troubleshoot caching problems can be found here:
Why is my website offline? http://www.dynadot.com/help/question.html?aid=82
Also, you may want to use our Snapshot tool to see an uncached version of your website. If you can see your website with our Snapshot tool, chances are that the old name server settings are cached. Follow these steps to access the Snapshot tool:
How do I access the Web Page Snapshot tool? http://www.dynadot.com/help/question.html?aid=136