I wrote the logic behind NameWorth.com and would agree with the valuations below if you find an end-user for the domains. The best way to find an end user is to put up a lander here at Dynadot (or elsewhere), ensure that you price all your domains and sign up for the Afternic "Premium Network". By signing up for the Afternic Premium Network, you'll ensure that if anyone searches for your domain at any major Registrar, your domain and price will pop up as the first thing they see.
NameWorth domain appraisals: Paciest.com Tier 4 (Premium) - $2,450 delfonic.com Tier 3 (High-Value Premium) - $4,450 TeachYourselfBooks.com Tier 4 (Premium) - $1,250 TeachMeBooks.com Tier 4 (Premium) - $1,450 AspenWeddingVenues.com NA (Low Value) $450 - This term gets CPC traffic, so you can bump the price up a little.
I have a little over 17 years in domain investing experience and currently have about 7,500 domains. Feel free to connect via Linkedin.