It's 2018 and everybody working (or about to be working) in professional fields need their own professional web presence.
What does own 'web presence' need: 1. domain 2. hosting the webpages 3. 1 primary email address @domain 4. unlimited aliases (to register at various online services so as to minimize the spam) and 5. 1 extra mailbox @domain (to deal with services which require email communication e.g. opening ticket at etc.) - this email ID is temporary and will be deleted once the ticket is closed and similarly will be created as per the need.
How does Dynadot help: 1. .me Domain - $13.99 renewal [0] 2. hosting - Use Gitlab or Github pages for free hosting as all of the content is static 3. email - $15.99/year 30 MB unlimited email IDs [1]
So total $13.99 + $15.99 = $29.98 and this gives 1 domain hosted at Gitlab or Github pages + unlimited email IDs with total storage of 30 MB only.
So a sensible web presence (1 domain, unlimited email aliases, 2 mailboxes) costs $29.98 with Dynadot (total email storage 30 MB) and costs $22.12 with (3Gb each mailbox size). Clearly, Gandi leads (no pun intended).
I recently transferred my domain to Dynadot and am really liking it but a web presence doesn't include domain only. I would love to see Dynadot providing a competitive package for web presence (1 domain, unlimited email aliases, 2 mailboxes) at par with
Just wanted to share my feedback. If this happens then great! If not then I'll have to migrate to Gandi since as I said, a web presence is domain + custom email (with unlimited aliases to combat spam)