I've come here with a reference from a friend and after waiting for 10 days for a simple reply on if a PHP Upgrade is possible. I can safely say I'll never ever use dynadot again and simply refer another firm when my audience asks for a reliable firm.
When somebody wishes to buy something you can reply within miliseconds but when a paid customer asks for services you keep the silent treatment. This is unprofessional and a sure way to loose customers.
We no longer support RapidSSL certificates, which is why you can't renew. We do still support AlphaSSL if you need a certificate. We did mention in our August 2013 Newsletter that we won't be supporting RapidSSL certificates anymore.
Hi, i just spoke to your customer support and i was told that i cannot renew my SSL! this is huge problem for us and we have setup this ssl everywhere. It would have been great if we would have at least received a message from your company saying that you dont sale SSL anymore.
Our apologies for the delay. If you have an urgent question, you should email [email protected] or jump on our online chat support as our customer service representatives are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have with your account. You can also call our phone support for help.