Don't trust dynadot at all. They tried stealing one of my domains around 4 weeks ago, Nominet immediately gave me the domain back. Now, yet again dynadot are stealing one of my domains. They are accredited Nominet registrars, so they have terms and conditions to abide by, however they do not abide by them. I dread to think how many people have lost their .uk domains because they do not realise dynadot have NO RIGHT to remove the domains from their account until the domain drops.
particularly B.1.13 onwards, what dynadot do is if someone bids on an expired auction, they remove the domain from your account, they then change the email address which they are prohibited to do. In other words they try to stop you logging into your nominet account to move the domain.
Know your rights if you have a .uk domain and are dealing with Nominet. I will be contacting Nominet tomorrow to see how their accreditation can be revoked. I am likely one of many this has happened to, the difference I am getting real advice from experts, many are not likely in that position. Poor show dynadot ripping your customers off for a few $.
Rubbish, you're not working with Nominet, they returned the domain to me because people have 90-92 days to renew their domains regardless of what your website says (and it would probably be a good idea to update your website if it says 85 days because Nominet say otherwise). The domain you took from me is back in my control, so if you sold it, best refund the buyer.
So to clarify you don't provide the grace period, Nominet do.
Funny you don't have any .uk domains in your expiring auctions, Nominet's compliance team been in touch have they ?
I just cannot see why for a few dollars you'd lose all those renewals, the worst of it is, up to the point you starting stealing my domains (if you take something you have no right to, I class that as stealing and Nominet very clearly told me you had no right to change any registrant information, again in Nominets t&c's) I was happy with dynadot.
It's also funny for one domain the grace period was 84 days, another domain 85, seems quite a flexible, to suit your needs, grace period. Anyway if anyone reading this runs into the same issue, contact Nominet, they will return the domain to you and advise you to change registrar immediately.
To clarify, Dynadot did not steal your domain name. Your domain was won in our Expired Auction by another user since it was not renewed within the grace renewal period we provided.
In any case, we are working with the Registry directly on this matter.