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The new look is HIDEOUS -- please bring back the old template!
8/31/2011 11:45
When I first came to DynaDot today I thought the site had been hacked -- the new template looks THAT horrible.

The dark background is hard on the eyes, the other colors are awful and don't blend well at all.  It's incredibly distracting.

If you MUST keep this disgusting new look, please provide a link to go back to the old one for those of us with taste.

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10/24/2011 18:56
I agree, old Dynadot design was a lot better and simpler. Please bring it back.
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10/3/2011 21:57
There is a reason why Google has a clean look with no unnecessary graphics and glam, it's because it emphasizes substance and not form. The old Dynadot was also long on form and was a real selling point. That site was not broken and there was no reason to fix it. It needs to be brought back quickly. This new "look" is not going to win any new customers, it will only cause the old ones to leave.
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Posted By r_as_c
10/2/2011 23:00
Sorry. Change can be for the better. THat would be welcome.

I'm talking about major idiocies of the design. Not a problem with change.

If the change has made usability of a website worse, then it's a BAD business decision. Some reasons clearly cited here

Hope Dynadot will show us its former nimbleness and do something about this, or I'm off looking for another registrar. It's pretty easy to move.

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10/2/2011 21:39
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Posted By daniel
10/2/2011 12:11
You guys are ridiculous and nitpicky. But I can't blame you, people are so afraid of change. I like the new layout for the most part. Only thing I don't care for much is the color choices. If you are so unhappy with the design maybe the problem is really with you. ;)
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10/2/2011 06:35
5ivehead, the "grid" (you meant gradient?) is "hot" for simpletons like yourself. The point of a website is to make it easy for users to get done what they need to get done. Gradients etc can be there, but should be non-intrusive, and absolutely functional. Right now there's a bigass logo, which does not serve ANY PURPOSE.

Navigation is not confusing? What're you smoking? I want to manage my account. I'm on the front page. Can you point me to where the fvck that menu item is? No, you can't. Because it's inside a menu popup on the left -- when I click on my name -- and it's right next to LOGOUT without any separation, so it looks like "MY ACCOUNT LOGOUT".

Really? This is your idea of hot? Get an education.
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9/28/2011 09:06
I like the new look and haven't had any additional confusion because of it.  I enjoy the grid in the hot right now.  Initially, I had troubles finding the ccTLD settings that caused me to miss out on a .US domain, but that was MONTHS before the redesign.

Design is so subjective and one person's HIDEOUS is another person's GORGEOUS.  I don't spend all of my money at Dynadot because of how the site looks, but rather access to API, API improvements, grace period, customer service, customer service chat, great coupons, etc.  Keep up those things, the services that most other registrars don't offer, and I'll be a customer for life.
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9/26/2011 10:58
dynadot_staff: is anything being done to address the many concerns regarding the horrible new design?
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9/26/2011 06:04
New design site are horrible and VERY CONFUSING. Go back to the old template.
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9/8/2011 12:48
The site is dismal and hugely off-putting.

I saw the beta and thought that no rational marketer would go with the oppressive design and gloomy colors.  There was no point (I thought) in commenting on the obvious.

The old site had some messy bugs (you couldn't edit name server dot addresses, for example) but the new site seems to have the same problems.

I trust DynaDot isn't spending very much for this "redesign".  I'd hate to think that customers like me are getting the site redesign instead of support, fixing some of the processing bugs, or better pricing.


Pat Ampulla
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