While the "look" of the new site is a matter of personal taste, I do find the new site a bit easier to navigate than the old one. However; in these days of smaller user screens and wider HD type displays, so many websites are using bigger and taller entry pages, causing people to have to scroll sideways or up and down to read the content. It may look great on the computer it was designed on but new pages should allways be tested on many different devices for usability.
The account log in password box by default contains the hidden code “password” which the user must manually delete in order to enter the correct password. This field should start out blank or at least a tab into the box should highlight the original code for deletion when typing begins. It would appear this is a problem with a JavaScript being used to control the contents of the field. Usability was apparently not considered when this part was written.
There are some problems with the web hosting signup sections.
Included bandwidth and disk storage space are not listed on the package features pages. I didn’t enter that area from the main site index page so I had to look for that information, finally locating it on the "sign up" page. Also, it is no longer clear if the 2 gigs / 200 gigs of bandwidth are per month, or per year. The page makes it look like it is per year, and in these days of high speed connections, 2 gigs per year would be flimsy. Suggest clairfying that and adding those numbers to the available features pages.
When one is already logged in, a click on the "Web Hosting" tab brings up a page that (I would assume) has your hosting account info. I don't currently have hosting with DynaDot so I get basically a useless screen talking about sites I own followed by no sites in this account. If one doesn't currently have hosting, it would be a good idea to be forwarded to the hosting account features pages. It is basically impossible to find the hosting features if you are logged on.
It doesn’t make sense that the basic $11 hosting package has unlimited email accounts but the advanced $60 hosting package is limited to 10 accounts unless you upgrade. That needs to be corrected or at least clarified.
Overall, the new site does look nice, but needs some tweaking.
[This post has been edited by f_h_clifton_us on Sep 6, 2011 12:59pm.]
[This post has been edited by f_h_clifton_us on Sep 6, 2011 1:02pm.]