Where do I mean When one does the domain search in Dynadot, to get the list of the domain name in a range of TLDs.
What I request When a domain name turns up to be owned by me, it should be stated as 'owned by you'. Perhaps it should go further, say owned by you - in Dynadot' or 'Owned by you - In other Registra'.
Why do I request this There are two reasons.....
#1, As I like to collect the set of TLDs for a domain, I check one of my domains here to see if another TLD of it is available.
It is kind of weird looking at the .com TLD, which I own, and here it says 'make an offer'.
#2, I find this meathod easier for me to use, if I am looking to see if it I do in fact own that domain or not.
Having a number of domains which have expired, and I could not get because I did not have the funds to renew them with. The issue is, I find it hard to keep track of them.
Naturally whenever I have doubt, my first place to find out is this search feature.