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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
...last 365 days
Posted By ccw
8/25/2012 00:23
I want to buy an expired domain. But in trying to buy me says:
You haven't made an order payment to us in the last 365 days.

I have charged my account balance, I have purchased domains. But for some reason will not let me buy a new one.
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8/28/2012 16:30
A recent order history is required to participate in our Expired Auctions.  It looks like you've got this all worked out,  but for others:

How do I participate in your Expired Domain Auctions?

Our Expired Domain Auctions are a great way to pick up domains that are about to expire. There are a few requirements to participate:

  • You must have a Dynadot Account (creating one is free).
  • You must not be banned from our auctions.
  • You must have $5 in your account balance or have completed a successful order payment of at least $5 with us within the last 365 days. If you are new to Dynadot or do not have a recent order history, the easiest way for you to fulfill this requirement is by creating a prepay order. Please note that the amount of the prepay will default to $100.00, but you can adjust this manually.

Our expired auctions use proxy bidding. If you have the winning bid, you will be sent an email when the auction closes. There will be a very limited payment window (48 hours) before the order is canceled, so we recommend using auto-pay for auction orders.

NOTE: In rare cases, a domain won at auction will not be added to your account because it was renewed by the original registrant. If this occurs, your account will credited the full amount of the order. Because of the nature of the life-cycle of a domain, we must auction expiring domains at the tail-end of the original registrant's Renewal Grace Period. In most cases, this will not cause a problem and the domain will be added to your Dynadot account in 3-4 days.

How do I place a bid on an Expired Domain Auction?

From Help Section: Domain Market > How do I participate in your Expired ...
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