Yesterday I spent a good part of my day searching multiple names to see if they were available, and jotted them down on a list. Today - after thinking it over I decided to purchase several of them. To my surprise, names that cost $9.75 yesterday now are considered Premium Domains for an asking price of $3000 and $5000. How is this possible just 24 hours later. I theorize my searches are tracked. How else can this be explained ??. It sickens me because I have been a loyal customer and have promoted this company every chance I've had. If true.. this is an absolutely unforgivable business practice.
[This post has been edited by s_m_williamstown_us on Dec 4, 2011 10:41pm.]
Please accept my apologies !!!
I was searching dozens of possible name combinations - and got into a groove where as soon as I saw the name in bold, I checked it off my list as available, and moved on.
I realized this after catching myself a few times, for other names that already had hefty premiums attached (vs. the $9.75).
Now I make a point of checking every price as well.
As I said, I hope I was wrong. I forget who referred me to Dynadot. I do feel safe & secure with this company.
Thanks Steve M.
[This post has been edited by s_m_williamstown_us on Dec 15, 2011 12:48am.]
I was searching dozens of possible name combinations - and got into a groove where as soon as I saw the name in bold, I checked it off my list as available, and moved on.
I realized this after catching myself a few times, for other names that already had hefty premiums attached (vs. the $9.75).
Now I make a point of checking every price as well.
As I said, I hope I was wrong. I forget who referred me to Dynadot. I do feel safe & secure with this company.
Thanks Steve M.
[This post has been edited by s_m_williamstown_us on Dec 15, 2011 12:50am.]
We don't track (excluding the premium domain searches, which you are able to opt out of) or sell your search data . Are you sure the domains you were interested in weren't already owned and listed as premium? What is the registration date?
[This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Dec 6, 2011 5:14pm.]
I really hope I'm mistaken. I just can't believe I wouldn't notice the inflated "premium" prices. Hopefully someone at Dynadot can restore my faith in their practices, and tell me when these domain names status changed. I want to be wrong, because I'm so upset to think that this is possible. Please help.