I bought on your expired domain a domain name, which was firstly banned from my parking company, secondly Ive lost my all earnings because of that. Now I see this domain is banned from google. Who is now responsible for this mess? I havent done anything wrong, the wrong thing was you were selling suspicious domain with malicious traffic. Whom should I call? Who is responsible for that at Dynadot? I lost a lot of money.
We are sorry to hear of your experience with the expired domain. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to research all the domains in our auctions. If we had been aware of any issues, I assure you we would not have auctioned the domain.
I believe its not dynadot fault afterall, the domain was ok when buying it, but it could be when already on auction that it was receiving strange traffic. After this scenario, Ive decided to stay away from high traffic domains.
Harmony thank you for your answer, but there was no way to find out the domain will get banned :)) It was not banned at that moment, but later it received 3000 visitors per day, what was strange with 2 millions + alexa rank. And this was strange traffic from some site spinners. How can I protect myself over this? Anyone could do this and simply add the site to some movies or videos to get strange traffic on a parking site. I mean sometimes its just bad luck. If I held responsible if someone is scr.... with my domains its a sign for me google needs some improvement. And all the responsibility is on me, afetr.
I think most domainers would agree that it is the responsibility of the buyer to research the domain in question before purchasing it. You can generally see if Google has banned the domain by checking it's cache. You can do this by searching for the domain name in double quotes and it should come up as the first search result. If it doesn't, it may be banned. You can also use tools like archive.org to see what the site's past content contained. Also, searching Google for other tools to check out domains before purchasing.
Anyway, good luck in the future with your domain purchases! :)