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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Dynadot Down again...
12/5/2012 13:48
Constant maintenance mode.. why dynadot why?  this is my last reasoning to stay with a company who once changed its great design to this hideous bug system... please give me a reason stay or Im out..
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12/8/2012 16:43
No, only would be affected.  How do access your email?  What error messages are you getting?  Are you able to access cPanel?
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12/6/2012 06:54
Does this also affect email service? We haven't been able to log in to any e-mail accounts for the last couple of days.
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12/5/2012 16:16
As you may have noticed, we've been making a lot of changes to our site and control panel lately.  We're hoping these changes will be a benefit to our customers.  :)

During this time, you may see the 'Server Down for Maintenance' page once or twice a day, though only for a moment.  This means we are restarting our server after another improvement has been made.  We hope you'll consider this to be along the same lines as the 'Please Excuse our Dust' signs you see when your favorite restaurant is being renovated.  We promise it'll be worth it in the end.
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