You have disabled my domains upon discovering it hosting a rogue pharmacy. Rogue pharmacy?! It is completely legal in Holland, Germany, Canada and many other states! It has been over two days, you did not answer any one letter. Do you want to steal my domains? Dynadot is rogue registrar!
Rogue pharmacy?! It is completely legal in Holland, Germany, Canada and many other states!
That may be true, I'm not sure.
Your site ships prescription drugs without a prescription to the United States. It is not legal in any states here. Therefore, it is an illegal, rogue pharmacy.
Per our service agreement, if you break the law, your domain(s) can be disabled
Accounts where domains have been disabled due to a violation of our Service Agreement are handled by Senior Associates. These associates are available Monday - Friday, during normal business hours, and can be reached via email only. Our customer support staff will not be able to assist you in these matters as they do not have the required training or access.
While our customer support is readily available and provides quick response to your email inquiries, this may not be the case with Senior Associates. Depending on the work load, you may not receive a response as quickly as you'd like. We understand that this is frustrating but please be patient. You will receive a response and we are not after your domains.
We do not enjoy policing our customers and do not actively monitor content. We are, however, required to respond to complaints. Whenever possible, we will give our the opportunity to correct he issue before taking action. Please be sure to keep your account information current so you can receive important notifications. To avoid issues like these altogether, please carefully review, and abide by, our Service Agreement.