There is a very important matter in the Dynadot domain ordering and selection sequence of which needs to be pointed out. I do hope Dynadot would take the trouble of fixing this matter.
Be very careful selecting domain names, after you do a manual check for for TLDs.
This is how it happened for me,
++ Inserted my domain into the box to start the search for that domain in a list of TLDs.
++ As I am after other TLDs I go and click onto 'advanced search', and did not notice that the name in the domain box had changed to 'find your domain', and went through the package.
++ As I was focused on getting particular gTLDs, I did not notice that I did not have a list of mydomain.tld, rather it was in fact '' and '' and so on.
++ I did not notice this until after I had gone through the checkout, and was about to change the DNS settings to that of a webhosting. Lucky I still had grace period remaining.
Now, I take full responsibility for the fact that I did not check my order correctly. So, I am happy to cop the $1 fee for each of the three domains I got wrong.
None the less, I would like to warn my fellow users, and to ask Dynadot for some kind of a solution, so it shall not provide me with a list of domains to the name 'findyourdomain'.