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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Completely false traffic and revenue estimations
6/24/2011 01:35
I have bought several domains with so called traffic and the visitor estimations are doubled compared to real traffic. The revenue estimations are 3 to 5 times higher than they actualy are. I would wish dynadot makes software to estimate those factors more precisely. I believe the other users share the same experince too.
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8/26/2011 03:23
Yeah, bought 2 domains with estimated revenue on Dynadot auction to 9 USD a month and they are just making few cents per month...LOL.It seems that dynadot park auction domains in completely other cathegory f.i.(investments and loans) instead of movie downloads. So no wonder the revenues are higher, but when you park it, you are not supposed to do that with wrong keywords. I wonder how they can do that :D

 [This post has been edited by r_k_m_ljubljana_si on Aug 26, 2011 3:26am.]
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Posted By jok3r
8/25/2011 18:27
the traffic statistics is just a joke! Never bid according to that. Even if you see thousands it can merely have not above ten in month :p
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7/3/2011 13:01
We believe the source to be reputable.
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7/2/2011 01:46
And afterall how such companies call them professionals inspite of the fact their services are discrapancy from the fact their data are old and out of date? Anyway thay are dealing with Money values estimations if I am not wrong.
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7/2/2011 01:37
So if I understood correctly you want to state your responsability is not direct, but objective? And those questions and suggestions of improvement of the false service should be addressed to those companies?
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6/26/2011 16:18
Dynadot uses well known third party parking companies to park expired domain names. The stats we publish in the expired auctions website are directly from these companies.
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6/25/2011 04:11
I know that it was just a preposition how to improve the service. I believe benchmarking from quality management theory would fit that issue. More accurate the numbers are, more people are pleased with the service, because their extra work would be saved.
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6/24/2011 16:50
The traffic numbers are estimates.  We always encourage customers to do their own research on the domains they are considering purchasing.
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