We frequently get a Server Busy message when trying to register new domain names. Yesterday we tried several times in the afternoon with hours between each try with no success and same thing when we came in this morning. I manually registered the domain name so our client didn't have to wait any longer but the errors occur so frequently that we lose a lot of time retrying. Is there anything that can be done to increase the availability of your servers?
As we have a limited number of connections, a server busy message can happen if there are too many searches going on. As we get more and more bulk customers, this will happen more often.
We are currently working on getting more connections, but unfortunately it's not a simple process. We will do our best to make this happen.
Also, there are certain periods of the day where central registries drop domains, such as the 11-12 window for COM/NET During these periods, the number of searches will increase.
We recently hit Bulk status and have been testing the API. If all went well, the plan was to transfer domains over and make Dynadot our registrar of choice. However, we're getting the "system_busy" for 50%+ of our queries as well...until the domain name is gone, that is. Once it's gone, the "system_busy" error drops to about 10ish%.