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2h, 18m | 12/27/2024 12:56 PM (PST)
Current Bid:    [ 0 bids ]
( +$2.29 USD /yr renewal )

Your offer must be equal to or higher than $7.99.

Type:Registry Expired Auction
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Start Time:2024-12-20 12:56   (PST)
End Time:2024-12-27 12:56   (PST)
Renewal Price(1 Year):$2.29
Other TLDS:0
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Active Bidder: 0
Bids: 0

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How do I bid?

In order to bid, you need an order history with one successful payment of $5 or more in the last 365 days. A completed prepay order will fullfill this requirement. Bid requirement is $100 or 5% of the winning bid, whichever is higher.

In the field above, type in an amount greater than the current bid and click the "place bid" button. We use proxy bidding, so you might pay less than your actual bid. If a bid is received in the last hour of an auction, the end time will be extended by 1 hour.

The winning bidder is required to submit payment within 10 days of the auction end time. When the domain is pushed into the winning bidder's account, the domain will remain in an "auction lock" status for about 15 days.

Domain will have at least 1 year until expiration.

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