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다이나닷 도메인, 웹사이트 또는 도구 중 하나에 대한 지원이 필요하십니까? 우리의 도움말 기사 디렉토리를 사용하여 필요한 자원을 찾거나 지원팀에 문의하여 추가 지원을 받을 수 있습니다.
성공적으로 저장되었습니다! 모든 저장된 기사는 Dynadot 도움말에서 찾을 수 있습니다 >저장된 기사들.
  • What is AbuseShield?

    AbuseShield is an exciting, powerful new tool that gets you an additional 50-100 domains that resemble your domain, which are then blocked and deposited into your account for a fraction of the cost of registering them one-by-one. The variations of your domain name are identified using AbuseShield's top-of-line proprietary machine learning algorithm and provide multiple benefits:

    🚀 Cost-effective coverage and crucial domains deposited straight into your Dynadot account.
    🚀 Prevent others from copying or impersonating you - protect what you're creating!
    🚀 Blocked domain variants can be unblocked and used by you at any time.
    🚀 If a risky domain flagged by AbuseShield is taken, it will be added to your batch for free upon deletion.
    🚀 Protect your customers or website visitors from being targeted in phishing attacks using lookalike domains.

    Example AbuseShield Domain Variants

    The domain variants included with AbuseShield can include, but are not limited to, some of the following examples:

    • E.g. pay-yourdomain, login-yourdomain, yourdomains, yourdomaIn, yourdoмain + more
    • E.g. мightytacos, mightytacoz, mighttytacos, mìghtytacos, miqhtytacos, mightyτacos + more
    • E.g. pay-yibberyabber, wwwyibberyabber, yibberyabber-login, yibbreyabber, https-yibberyabber, yibberyablber, yibberÿabber, + more

    Taking control of your online presence is key for today's domain name owners. Utilizing intelligent new tools such as AbuseShield ensures that you stay one step ahead of the rest.

    Supported Domain Extensions

    AbuseShield is exclusively available for the following top-level domains:


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