अपने डायनाडॉट डोमेन, वेबसाइट या हमारे उपकरणों के लिए सहायता चाहिए? आपको चाहिए वाणिज्यिक नमूना जानकारी के लिए हमारी सहायता लेख मिलेगी या इसे आगे की सहायता के लिए हमारी समर्थन टीम से संपर्क करें।
How do I setup my domain’s DNS settings before transferring it to Dynadot?
अपडेट किया गया: 2024/07/16बार देखा गया: 6094
Thanks for choosing Dynadot! You can specify new or default DNS and NS settings for domains that are being transferred into Dynadot directly from your shopping cart, by following these steps:
Follow the steps here to add your domain transfer to your shopping cart.
Once the transfer has been added to your cart, click on the server icon, located to the right of the contact book icon.
Keep Name Servers from previous registrar's servers:
You can decide to keep the name servers that were set up for your domain before the transfer.
Use Name Servers from accounts Domain Defaults:
You can use Name Servers that were set as your default Name Servers.
Enter New Name Servers:
There are two ways to set name servers:
If you're adding new name servers or existing name servers, select "Enter new or existing Name Servers" from your list of choices and enter your new name servers in the provided fields.
You can also choose to use your Name Server template. To do so, select "Select from your Name Servers", and choose the template that you would like to use. You can set up your templates here.
Enter New DNS Settings
Choose the "Record Type" you want to use from the drop-down menu, then enter the IP Address or Target Host of your web server in the text box.
You can also specify subdomain records in the "Subdomain Records (optional)" section the same way you do to the "Domain Record (optional)".
NOTE: If you have been instructed to add an "@", this simply means that the record should be entered under the "Domain Record (optional)" section. Do not enter the '@' symbol itself.
There are certain steps for each record type as well, the most common are:
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