Subpoena Policy

Dynadot, Inc will not release customer information or account information without the express permission of the customer or when required by law. If you seek user or account information of a Dynadot customer in connection with a civil legal matter, you must personally serve us with a valid subpoena.

Upon receipt of a valid civil subpoena, we will notify the customer whose information is sought via email or U.S. mail. Please note, that we will not immediately produce the customer information sought by the subpoena, in order to provide the customer with an opportunity to move to quash the subpoena in court.

Fees for Subpoena Compliance

By submitting the civil subpoena to Dynadot, you agree to pay these costs. Our schedule of costs is as follows:

cost as billed
Upon request, we can arrange for overnight delivery service if a valid "Bill To" account number for the selected shipping company is provided to us.
Please note, that we will not deliver any information sought by a subpoena until payment is received.
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Your use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use. We may process the following information about you: Google referral sources, page visits, country, IP address, domain searches and associated TLD rankings, single sign-on (Open ID), forum views, chats, account creation, order placement and form submissions. The purposes for this processing include: troubleshooting errors, abuse detection, targeted marketing, localizing data, site and usage statistics and communication with you. This is necessary for the proper provisioning of the services in this website. Your continued use of this website constitutes your implied consent for this processing.